archiveJune 2018


4 Negotiation Lessons From The Twitter Feud POTUS Had With Mexico’s President

One of the four vital soft skills necessary to lead others is the ability to negotiate for win-win deals. Unlike in the past, today's leaders cannot accomplish anything meaningful without engaging in constant negotiation. The days where leaders just give the order to realize their goals are literally over. In the 21st C, as they set goals, assign tasks to their team members, interact with their peers, superiors, and other stakeholders within and outside of their organizations, they need to excel in negotiating for win-win deals. In this article, let...

Facebook Tips For Beginners

Using Facebook for marketing purposes is something that all individuals and businesses should consider. Initially, many people ignored Facebook in order to concentrate their efforts on other social networking sites. Now, with Facebook becoming available to more people with restrictions bands, businesses, and individuals are hurrying to create free accounts on Facebook and using these accounts to help market their product, service, or organization. If you are ready to try and use Facebook as a promotional tool the first thing you need to do is create a profile. Without having...