Starting college can be incredibly exciting. You are finally out there on your own pursuing your future goals. However, it is a big adjustment for many college freshmen. You may find that the overall experience is more stressful than you imagined. It can be difficult to get used to taking care of yourself and juggling all of your new responsibilities. Check out these tips for help with managing your occasional stress levels so you can fully enjoy college life.
Support Your Health
One of the most important things to remember when you go off to college is that you need to take care of yourself. Ordering takeout or opting for less-than-healthy meal choices at the cafeteria can seem tempting, but will take a toll after a time.
Low-quality foods can leave you feeling tired and foggy. This isn’t the best strategy to keep you sharp for your studies. It’s okay to indulge once in a while but stay vigilant and do your best to eat healthily the majority of the time. You can also choose some high-quality multivitamins for teens to supplement your nutrition.
Create a Schedule
College life is filled with fun things to do. Making an effort to participate is an excellent way to adjust, but you need to make sure you budget enough time to study and get your schoolwork done. Create a schedule for yourself where you block off the required time to fulfill the requirements of your classes. You may find that you enjoy your free time, even more, when you know your studies are going well and you aren’t trying to finish an assignment in a panic.
Make Friends
Get involved in some activities at your school to make friends. Companionship can make a huge difference to your enjoyment of college and your stress levels. Find peers with similar interests by striking up a conversation before and after classes. Attend sporting events and go to planned social events. Join a club or create a study group. There are plenty of ways to find great people you can form a bond with.
Find Time for Your Hobbies
It’s a wonderful idea to explore new interests and meet new people, but don’t forget about your previous passions. Find the time to indulge in a favorite hobby of yours, whether this is painting or going for a run. The familiar activity can soothe your stress, give you a much-needed break, and replenish your energy.
Get Plenty of Sleep
With so much to do, sleep can sometimes be hard to come by. Do your best to give yourself enough time to get a good night’s rest. According to, getting too little sleep can affect your stress levels and your mood. Rearrange your schedule so sleep is a priority and not a commodity.
Put a Support System in Place
Being on your own for the first time can be hard. If you find yourself homesick or needing an outlet for your emotions, then talk to a trusted friend or family member. Just because you are an adult now, you don’t have to do everything alone.
It’s important to have an emotional support system of people you can turn to when things get tough. This can be new friends, campus support groups, or your childhood friends and family. Staying in touch can keep you grounded and help you nurture your previous relationships so they grow stronger in the future.
Sometimes all it takes is a few adjustments to transform your mindset and improve your experience. If you have been struggling in any way with anxiety or stress, try some of these suggestions. You may find that relief is easy to achieve with some new habits.